Daily Bulletin

Minden High School Bulletin for Friday, March 28, 2025

FFA The Minden FFA is hosting a doubles pickleball tournament this Sunday starting at 1:00. The cost is $20 per team which can consist of two people, of any age! Prizes will be awarded to the winners and proceeds will go towards the FFA chapter greenhouse project. Find a flyer around the school and scan the QR code to sign up.

Optimist Club The Minden Optimist Club is needing help refereeing youth soccer games on Saturdays in April. The first Saturday is April 5th. There are 3 games beginning at 9:00 AM and ending at noon. If you are interested in being a volunteer, the sign up sheet is in the office. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Circle of Friends Circle of Friends will have a lunch meeting on Monday, March 31st in the media center. We will serve sloppy joes, chips and dessert. Please let a sponsor know if you won't be able to attend.

Summer Job Are you looking for a summer job? Hagan Detasseling is hiring! You can earn great money working only a few weeks in July. Applications are available in the office. Crews fill up fast so don't wait!

Drivers Ed Information/Sign Up Forms for Driver's Ed Classes are in the office * Classes: July 7 - 11, 2025 from 8:00am-12:30pm

Tech Club Tech Club Members If you're going on the trip Monday, be ready to board the bus at 7:45. It will be parked in the north parking lot by the Shops and will be leaving at 8:00 sharp!

Spring Play Play practice is Monday at 6:30 in the theater. This is the only practice of the week. Please be on time. Also, this is the last time you can have scripts on stage!

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